O:YY-TY-#####-INI <i>example:</i> 4:24-cv-00655-DPR <P><B>Western Division </B><P>400 E 9th St. Kansas City, MO 64106 kcgen&#064;mow.uscourts.gov Public Hours 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday Western District of Missouri (816) 512-5000; ECF Help Desk (800) 466-9302 200 AMD821 Amendment 821 APPEAL Appeal filed BCOST Proposed Bill of Cost Filed BECKLES SCOTUS Decision re retroactive sentencings in JOHNSON CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED Case Seal Reviewed CLOSED Closed Case CONSENT CONSENT FILED CONSENT DUE Magistrate Consent Due CONSOL Consolidated COSTTX Costs Taxed CSSTAY Case Stayed DAVIS SCOTUS decision - United States v. Davis DEATH PENALTY Death Penalty Case DPR-REC Re-Entry Court - Judge David P Rush FSA-BCW FIRST STEP Act of 2018 - Judge Brian C. Wimes HABEAS Habeas Corpus IFPD In forma pauperis denied IFPG In forma pauperis granted INDIF Indictment Filed JOHNSON Supreme Court Decision in Johnson LEAD Lead Case MDL1559 MDL 1559 MULTIPLE_CVB_VIOLATIONS Multiple CVB Violations MYERS 8th Circuit Myers Decision PHV Pro Hac Vice PPROSE Prisoner Pro Se PROSE Pro Se PROTO Protective Order filed REFJTM4suppress Referred to JTM for suppression hearing REHAIF Supreme Court Rehaif Decision REOPENED Case reopened SEALED Case Sealed SEVERED Defendant Severed from Co-Defendant(s) SGA750-NKL 750 Motion - Transferred to Judge Nanette K. Laughrey STAYED Case Stayed USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office First Case 10/1/97; All Civil 10/1/99; All Criminal 11/1/02 Western District of Missouri
<P><B>Western Division </B><P>400 E 9th St. Kansas City, MO 64106
kcgen&#064;mow.uscourts.gov Public Hours 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday (816) 512-5000; ECF Help Desk (800) 466-9302
Central Division
80 Lafayette Street, Jefferson City MO 65101
jcgen&#064;mow.uscourts.gov Public Hours 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday (573) 636-4015; ECF Help Desk (800) 466-9302
Southern Division
222 North John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield MO 65807
spfdgen&#064;mow.uscourts.gov Public Hours 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday (417) 865-3869; ECF Help Desk (800) 466-9302
20 MB 40.0 MB PACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549 pacer@psc.uscourts.gov (800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area <2>Jefferson City <3>Joplin <4>Kansas City <5>St. Joseph <6>Springfield NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.1 (Revision 1.7.1)